Dabada Hiburi 25% Shochu (720ml)

- Is a fermented wine from chestnuts, barley and is distilled many times, so it has many layers of unique flavors. In particular, the always fresh chestnut material will remain in the mouth cavity after every sip of wine, with a 25% concentration, this is a wine that brings a real sense of refreshment and explosion.

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  • Spirits

    720 ml

  • 25%

- Shochu Dabada Hiburri is fermented from chestnuts and barley, then distilled several times until it reaches the 25% concentration standard, and has the best taste. This special, users will find it interesting when they themselves will experience its flavors, from pungent to a post-aromatic flavor, unique sweetness will remain in the throat and the alcohol content will remain. help spirit to be more relaxed and comfortable.
- Using a little daily regularly will help support the digestive system, boost metabolism, help you sleep more deeply and eat better. Dabada Hiburi Shochu is very suitable when served with Asian dishes, especially seafood.