Sunday's Whisky Are Better Than Others

The mellowness of Sunday’s Whisky is a great foundation for building cocktails, and in highballs, a bright lemon peel garnish creates a subtle citrus character for a refreshing, balanced drink

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  • Spirits

    750 ml

  • 40%

Sunday’s Whisky is a high quality, yet approachable Japanese Whisky that’s meant to be casually and frequently consumed in highballs, cocktails, or on its own. Inspired by ‘everyday’ malt and grain Whiskies like Suntory Kakubin and Nikka Black Clear, Sunday’s Whisky was created in collaboration between our team and Sasanokawa Shuzo, a family-owned distillery that’s been producing sake, shochu, and Whisky in Fukushima, Japan since 1765. The distillery uses natural spring water from Koriyama to bring texture and balance to Sunday’s Whisky and the result is a light yet flavorful malty dram that has backbone and balance. Sunday’s Whisky is aged for a minimum of 3 years before collected and brought to Sasanokawa Shuzo for further maturation, blending, and bottling.