Valpolicella Classico Ripasso (750ml)

The wine is ruby red in color, with a expressive flavours of red fruit, floral scents and strong yet not overpowering spicy notes; the palate is refined, harmonious with velvet smooth tannins.

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  • Italy


  • Corvina

    Full Body

  • Red Wine

    750 ml

  • 13%

The grapes for this wine are collected at the vineyards of the Conca d’Oro and La Groletta crus, in the hilly Valpolicella Classica zone. The blend consists of Corvina 70%, Rondinella 25%, Corvinone 5% Vinification and undergo the maturation and fermentation in stainless steel vats for around 15 days. As a ripasso wine, it is followed by re-fermentation on the pomace of the Amarone for 12-13 days with maturation for at least 18 months in 65 hl Slavonian oak casks and 6 months bottle-aging. For the ripasso method the selected grapes are placed onto traditional Arele and then left to rest for minimum 110 days in a large open room, with a proper ventilation system in order to prevent any qulaity affecting risks, as mildew.