Yalumba Hand Picked Blend, 750ml

Tense and firm with a core of red fruit spiced with notes of cinnamon and black pepper.

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  • Australia

    South Australia

  • Shiraz, Viognier

    Red Wine

  • 750 ml


The Hand Picked Shiraz Viognier reveals the freshness of an Eden Valley forest with the wines cool feel portrayed in scents of violets, red apple skin and cedar. Tense and firm with a core of red fruit spiced with notes of cinnamon and black pepper. An airy and elegant red, it’s the texture that beguiles here, clean lined, fine grained, transparent with a thrilling level of acidity that renders this lithe and light on its feet. Enjoy with slow roasted pork shoulder or Sicilian penne with roasted tomatoes and eggplant.

The concept of blending Shiraz and Viognier was derived from the great French wine region of the northern Rhône – the Côte Rôtie area in particular. Using only the best Eden Valley fruit, the Yalumba Hand Picked Shiraz + Viognier is rich in concentrated fruit flavour. Traditionally, the two different grape varieties for this wine have predominantly been crushed and fermented together – batches of Shiraz grapes with a small percentage of Viognier fruit. From 2006 we began using Viognier skins on their own for select batches during fermentation of Shiraz, which adds another dimension of aroma and texture to this alluring wine. After fermentation all batches are drained and pressed off skins and then racked to barrel for maturation.

vintage: 2014
winemaker: Kevin Glastonbury
region: Eden Valley
harvest date: 3rd March - 15th April
oak maturation details: Matured for 15 months in 23% new French oak hogsheads and barriques, 39% in one and two year old French oak hogsheads and barriques, balance in older French oak hogsheads.
acidity: 6.2 g/l
ph: 3.51
aAlc/Vol: 13.5%
cellaring: Will cellar
for at least 10+ years.