Château La Clemence, 750ml

In the glass, it’s a still-deep garnet-red with some bricking at the rim (to be expected), with aromas of black and red currant, plum, dark cherries

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  • France


  • Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot

    Red Wine

  • 750 ml


  • 0%

In the glass, it’s a still-deep garnet-red with some bricking at the rim (to be expected), with aromas of black and red currant, plum, dark cherries, and lots of savory notes including pencil lead, cedar, tobacco, and leather. It is medium-bodied and perfumed, not chunky and dark—a very elegant expression of Right Bank Bordeaux that glides across the palate and finishes with a woodsy, rose petal-y flourish.

In the glass, it’s a still-deep garnet-red with some bricking at the rim (to be expected), with aromas of black and red currant, plum, dark cherries