Vasse Felix Heytesbury Red, 750ml

A delicate and sophisticated perfume combining notes of red currant and blackcurrant. The wine lands with wonderful weight, with juicy red and blueberry fruit flavors and ultra-fine tannins.

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  • Australia


  • Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Petit Verdot

    Red Wine

  • 750 ml


  • 0%

Appearance: Deep vibrant red with a purple hue. Nose: A delicate and sophisticated perfume combining notes of red currant and blackcurrant with savoury tones of dried jarrah forest floor, peppy leaf and hints of cured venison, leather, potpourri and mineral ironstone. Palate: The wine lands with wonderful weight, with juicy red and blueberry fruit flavours and ultra-fine tannins. It quickly tightens and dries as the acid profile bursts to life and the savoury tannins take hold. The finish carries long with earthy dark chocolate and hints of eucalypt and liquor cherries.
Winemaker Comments: With Cabernet and its blends, harvest timing is critical so as to ensure the optimum balance of flavour and tannin ripeness. Treated individually in small parcels, the fruit was nurtured while on skins to ensure the preservation of fruit characters and extraction of the finest tannins. After an ideal duration of skin contact, each batch was transferred to French oak. The barrel types used were carefully selected to accentuate and enhance the intricate characteristics of the wine. The wine was matured in barrel for 18 months before all batches were graded. The best barrels, from the best batches, were selected for this Heytesbury. The combination of nature and nurture has created a sophisticated wine with a strong sense of place.
Moderate spring conditions in 2009 allowed for better flowering and fruit set than experienced in the previous year. High temperatures in late January/February saw rapid ripening for whites. Harvest timing was critical. Mild conditions in early Autumn allowed an extended ripening period for reds, which was ideal.
Varieties 75% Cabernet Sauvignon, 15% Petit Verdot, 10% Malbec Harvested Mar/Apr 2010 Oak 100% French oak, 18 months (77% new, 23% 1-4-year-old) TA 6.9g/L PH 3.45 Residual Sugar 0.53g/L Alcohol 14.5 Bottled Dec-11 Cellaring 10+ years