Jim Beam White 1000ml

Jim Beam is the World's Finest Bourbon, specially Jim Beam White Label with perfumy with delicate fragrances of peaches, coca, vanilla and baked apple. With the palate of Jim Beam White, you can feel the opening flavours of light caramel and cigarette smoke.

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  • Spirits

    1000 ml

  • 40%

While Bourbon is the only Native American Spirit, Jim Beam is the World’s Finest Bourbon! It is the No. 1 Bourbon Whiskey in America and across the globe! It is one of the most popular drink choices in today’s world. For over 200 years, the Jim Beam family has refined its process of perfection resulting in quality and craftsmanship you can taste.

*Colour : Shows an orange, russet hue
*Aroma : Perfumy with delicate fragrances of peaches, coca, vanilla and baked apple
*Palate : Irresistibly sweet and round, offering opening flavors of light caramel and cigarette smoke, followed by more astringent and mature tastes of oak resin, barrel char and buttered toast
*Finish : Very long, crisp, and zesty

GOLD - 2009 San Francisco World Spirits Competition
International Wine & Spirit Competition 2009 : Silver Medal