Maker's Mark Bourbon 750ml

Maker's Mark is America's only handmade bourbon whisky never mass produced.
Each individual batch is less than 19 barrels, and this small quantity means we can be choosy about everything we use and everything we do to craft our whisky.
That's why we use the old-style sour mash method. We start each new batch fermentation by using a little of the last; resulting in a more consistent product.
We're proud of our unique and full-flavoured handmade bourbon, and so we add our Maker's Mark to each bottle. Enjoy!

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  • Spirits

    750 ml

  • 45%

Just over 50 years ago, Kentucky distiller Bill Samuels Sr., made history by burning an old family whisky recipe that dated back to 1780. He replaced the traditional bourbon flavouring grain of rye with red winter wheat, which produces the sweeter, gentler taste that’s become the hallmark of the brand. Maker’s Mark creates only one product at the historic distillery in Loretto, Kentucky. The signature hand-dipped red wax and SIV mark are symbols of its authenticity.

Today, Maker’s Mark is made in the oldest and smallest distillery still operating on its original site in the U.S. The Maker’s Mark distillery was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1980 and became the first distillery in America to be recognized as a national treasure.

*Colour: See-through amber with a flame orange glint.
*Aroma: Full and well-rounded. Distinctly caramel aroma with a hint of vanilla.
*Palate: Rich, distinctive. Soft on the palate.
*Finish: Clean and crisp. A distinct sweetness at the end.

GOLD - 2010 San Francisco World Spirits Competition
Impact Hot Brand 2004 Impact Hot Brand 2007