Nicolas Feuillatte Brut Reserve Particuliere 12.5% (750ml)

The wonderful and festive champagne is, fresh and vibrant, with intense and expressive aromas of fruits, such as apricots and pears with constant delicate bubbles, gradually unleashing their true character over time.

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  • France

    750 ml

  • 12.5%

This iconic champagne is a perfectly balanced blend of 20% chardonnay that brings elegance and finesse to the wine, 40% pinot noir present for roundness and structure and 40% meunier for soft and supple character. This wine is aged for 3 to 4 years in the cellar with the dosage level properly adapted for each champagne as well as the explicitly calculated choice of the reserve wine used for the blend in order to guarantee the “intrinsic style of each Champagne”. The maison might be the youngest of all the major Champagne houses, but at the same time also the largest growing' Champagne brand, which makes its style refined and modern.