Nicolas Feuillatte Cuvée 225, 750ml

In harmony with the bouquet, the palate delivers subtle soft notes of spices and citrus fruit in perfect balance.

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  • France

    750 ml

  • 12%

Appearance: The stunning, gleaming, golden-yellow, almost straw-like appearance offers instant allure.
Nose: The oak character adds considerably to the harmony and intensity of the aromas in this overtly elegant wine, while playing only a subtle, supporting role, and never dominating. Delicious and appealing, delicate, sweet notes develop on the bouquet, where vanilla, gentle spices and ripe straw take the lead, underscored by more rounded, candied aromas of lemon and orange.
Palate: This Champagne reflects the complexity of the vintage and reveals great finesse. In harmony with the bouquet, the palate delivers subtle soft notes of spices and citrus fruit in perfect balance. An overwhelming sense of freshness cleans the palate to glorious effect. 2008 Cuvée 225 is a deeply, satisfying wine; a Champagne to savour at length.

ELEGANT AND RICH The season’s contrasting weather conditions, one of the coldest in the last 30 years, delayed ripening in the grapes but also, and most importantly, ensured the grapes were in pristine health. 2008 is now considered as a great Champagne vintage: refined, fresh, lean and complex.

ABV: 12%