Chateau Haut Saint Brice (750ml)

The wine is very dark in purple colour. The nose is empowered by scents of ripe, nearly jammy fruit. On the palate, the wine is dominated by medium-bodied fruitiness with smooth and silky tannins, that lead to a long and wonderful fine finish.

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  • France


  • Cabernet Franc, Merlot

    Medium Body

  • Red Wine

    750 ml

  • 14%

The vineyards of the Chateau are being under the care of specialists from other estates - Chateau Pas de l'Ane, through which most of the local wine is classified as Grand Cru. The fertile soils in the region are particularly favorable for the cultivation of varieties of Merlot and Cabernet Franc, which are the basis for wine Chateau Haut Saint Brice.