Sake Hakkaisan Honjouzou, glass bottle 720ml

- Hakkaisan Honjozo Sake is loved not only in Japan but also in many countries around the world. This is thanks to its elegant, sweet taste filtered from fermented rice, koji yeast, and fresh water rich in minerals.

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  • Spirits

    720 ml

  • 15.5%

- Hakkaisan Honjouzou Sake specially preserves the flavor of natural ingredients. You will feel the sweet, delicate and pungent flavor of fermented rice. For this wine is very pure, pure and rich in minerals that help to enhance the taste of the wine and give it its distinctive character.
- Rice is selected as a raw material of pure natural origin, grown on clean soil, free of chemicals, and does not contain harmful impurities to increase the value of the quality of the finished product.
- The product completely uses natural ingredients that do not contain harmful substances, and have no preservatives to help protect the health of consumers. Use an adequate amount in meals to stimulate taste, create appetite and good for the digestive system