Pol Roger Rich Demi Sec, 750ml

The attack is ample, powerful and complex and the wine is remarkable for its generosity as well as for its power

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  • France

    750 ml

  • 12.5%

The Cuvée Rich displays a superb yellow gold colour, with a discreet copper shimmer. It is deep, dense and bright. Tiny lingering bubbles break into a creamy, clear and diffused effervescence and form a continuous, full and delicate thread.
At the outset, the nose is clear, elegant and open, mingling notes of dried fruits, sensuous floral fragrances, attractive woody scents and a slight vegetal hint. It then reveals a delicate spiciness and eloquent touches of sweetness.
The attack is ample, powerful and complex and the wine is remarkable for its generosity as well as for its power, suppleness and balance. Its pleasing vivacity culminates in succulent fruity flavours together with spicy, soft and sensuous notes.
The unmistakable sugariness harmonises well with all the other elements and does not affect the expression of the wine. With the fine taste of blond caramel to extend its intensity, the aftertaste is fresh and amazingly long.

Once harvested, the grapes are immediately and delicately pressed. The must undergoes a first débourbage (settling) at the press house and a second in our winery, à froid (at 6°C) over a 24 hour period. The alcoholic fermentation takes place at a low temperature (18°C) in temperature-controlled stainless steel vats, with each variety and the production of each village kept separate until final blending. All our wines go through a malolactic fermentation. After tasting, blending and bottling, the secondary fermentation (prise de mousse) and maturing take place in the cool atmosphere of our cellars located 33 metres below street level. Each bottle is given a traditional remuage (hand riddling) before disgorging and dosage, and the wines rest for a minimum of three months before being released.

Grape: pinot noir, pinot meunier and Chardonnay
ABV: 12.5%