Sake Junmai Ginjo Ougyoku, glass bottle 720ml

- A type of wine fermented from Japanese domestic rice and Japanese domestic Koji yeast with a mild flavor like traditional wine, but with a more rich and delicate flavor. With a concentration of 14.5% and a capacity of 720ml, this wine is very suitable for cozy family meals or party parties.

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  • Spirits

    720 ml

  • 14.5%

- The sake is made from the fermentation and distillation of rice and the determination of the flavor of the wines will depend on the rate of rice grinding. Because yeast needs starch to be able to perform the fermentation of the wine," he said. The protein and fat outside the rice kernels cannot be fermented. In turn, it reduces the taste of alcohol and slows the fermentation process.
- Junmai Ginjo is a wine with rice grinding rate up to 60%, so its taste is especially delicious, along with the alcohol concentration of 14.5%, it makes the flavor of the wine even more explosive. And this is also the premium wine in the sake line