Redbank Long Paddock Pinot Grigio, 750ml

Aromas of juicy Pink Lady apples and pear skin with underlying hints of musk and spicy florals. Flavours of fresh Corella pear and red apples provide an appealing fruit generosity in the mid palate which is balanced by an underlying fresh pink grapefruit acidity.

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  • Australia


  • Pinot Gris

    White Wine

  • 750 ml


  • 12.5%

Aromas of juicy Pink Lady apples and pear skin with underlying hints of musk and spicy florals. Flavours of fresh Corella pear and red apples provide an appealing
fruit generosity in the mid palate which is balanced by an underlying fresh pink grapefruit acidity. The finish is crisp and refreshing. Best drinking now to maintain its fresh appeal. Serve with your choice of prawn pad Thai, char-grilled pork patties with Vietnamese herbs or veggie noodles with curried coconut sauce.
Suitable for vegans and vegetarians.

Variety: Pinot Grigio
Vintage: 2016
Region: Victoria
Oak: Nil
Alc/Vol: 12.5%
Total Acid: 5.6g/l
pH: 3.23