Yalumba Y Series Unwooded Chardonnay (750ml)

The palate is long and creamy, with stylish aromas of grapefruit and jammed green mango and lemon A refreshing acidity gives this wine lovely length with a proper finish.

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  • Australia

    South Australia

  • Chardonnay

    Medium Body

  • White Wine

    750 ml

  • 13%

The classic grape variety in this wine translates the specialty of the Australian terroir, majestically shaped and adapted to people’s taste through the eyes and manhandling of the Hill-Smith specialists, even though with their minimal intervention and without using oak, and with100% wild yeast fermentation, which makes the wine pure and fresh. The Cape Barren Goose on the designer label is depicted in order to praise “Yalumba’s sanctuary land dedicated to wildlife rehabilitation and preservation”