Bacardi Gold Oro Rum 37.5% 750ml

Tasting note: BACARDÍ Carta Oro features rich vanilla, buttery caramel, toasted almond and sweet banana
notes with the warm zest of orange peel and a light tasting, oaky finish.

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  • Spirits

    750 ml

  • 37.5%

BACARDÍ Carta Oro is expertly crafted by Maestros de Ron BACARDÍ. Its rich flavors and golden complexion
are developed in toasted oak barrels and its mellow character comes from being shaped through a secret blend
of charcoals. Don Facundo Bacardi’s first blended rum was BACARDÍ Carta Oro. This is the original rum made in 1862. Its rich vanilla and caramel flavor develops in lightly toasted barrels over 1-2 years creating a mellow and
smooth flavor.
In 1900, BACARDÍ Carta Oro was used to create the Original Cuba Libre, the original cocktail of freedom.
Tasting note: BACARDÍ Carta Oro features rich vanilla, buttery caramel, toasted almond and sweet banana notes with the warm zest of orange peel and a light tasting, oaky finish.